Nominees for Best Spoken word Artist

Ladee Po3t (@ladeepo3t) - Te'Erra Jones, born and raised in Cleveland, OH began writing at a very young age. She is both a spoken word artist and published author of two poetry books, A Writers Ambitions and most recently iJusWannaWrite. Her passion for poetry steams from experience through love, heartbreak and hardships faced from adolescent to adult years. Te'Erra has shown her love for poetry by performing at venues such as John Carroll University, Lake Erie College, Bop Stop Music Settlement, Cleveland State University and House of Blues. Te'Erra likes to leave her audience with a sense of self worth, confidence and self love.

LOVETIES (@smith_LoveTies) - LOVETIES LLC is a business specializing in spoken word poetry, public speaking and public performance. Jamille and Dominicque Smith are a married rising spoken word duo. Together they perform creative expression of language through poetry performances with a focus on relationship ministry, empowerment and self-growth. They are natives of Cleveland and are known as the poetry duo LoveTies: The Art of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. When it comes to performing this couple have no limits on what they can do when they put pen to paper. They use both original and custom written poetry based on performance needs of their clients. This duo has grown in both love and the art of poetry with many more endeavors to come. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been blessed with many opportunities to share their gift. The Smith’s opened a show for internationally known jazz artist Najee and performed at Ursuline College, The National Urban League Conference, The Ohio Realtist Association, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, The Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition, Women in Need Ministries, House of Blues and many more. You may have seen them during one of their local performances at Urbean Joe Café, B Side Lounge, Valo, Mitchell’s, Larchmere Arts, Slovenia Society Home, Take 5, Medusa Lounge, Soul in the City, Swerve, IAM216, Versified Expressions Café, Temple of Passions, Kultivation Theater or Bodega to name a few. The couple also featured on multiple music projects of local artists as well as short films (Yesterday’s Tomorrow by Justin Fraley, plays (Souled Out by Pieces of Me production, Family Truly Matters by B. Holsey Production), fashion shows and written novels (Blue Euphoria by author Tito Bradley). Jamille was a keynote speaker for the 2017 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observance Program for the City of Cleveland as well. Jamille and Dominicque have a strong belief in the power of words. The sole purpose of what they do is to uplift, encourage, and motivate those that are listening. This couple believes their union husband and wife; as well as performers, is God’s calling to bless others. If you ever want to listen to poetry performed through the art of storytelling, this is the poetry duo you want to see.